One original sci-fi story per day for all of 2023 | Created by screenwriter Timothy Michael Cooper, illustrated using A.I.

Non-Risks of Time Travel

Non-Risks of Time Travel

Here’s what everyone worries about when time-traveling, but shouldn’t:

  • There’s no risk of seducing your great-great-grandmother—you’re not that irresistible.
  • You’re not gonna kill a baby before he became a despot, unless you’re already cool with killing babies, in which case we need to talk.
  • You can’t stop WWII. Thousands of the world’s greatest minds couldn’t; what makes you think you’d do better?
  • Leaving technology behond—don't worry. People ignored the Antikythera mechanism; they won’t glance twice at an AirPod dropped in a tar pit.
  • But please don’t step on a butterfly—that’s why we all have these proboscises instead of mouths now.